Member associations may participate in the Modern Energy Union strategy development process, as well as gain access to the latest law changes and fresh news from the European legislature. The members also have opportunity to object to legislative affairs. The Modern Energy Union also assists to cover members’ business activities in media and helps with marketing strategies.
Member of organization
AKU-BAT CZ, z.s. is an association comprising the most important entities active in the field of energy storage. More information available at
The Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency
The Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency is an association that serves as a communication platform for representatives of the renewable energy sector. More information available at
The Association of Energy Service Providers of the Czech Republic
The Association of Energy Service Providers of the Czech Republic was founded in 2010 aiming to actively contribute to the long-term development of energy services in the Czech Republic. More information available at
The Czech Photovoltaic Association
The Czech Photovoltaic Association is a leading association in the field of photovoltaic professionals’ training within a European educational program Photovoltaic Expert. More information available at
COGEN Czech is an association of legal and natural persons whose business activities are related to production, operation, design, and sale of cogeneration technologies, as well as to consulting in the field of combined heat and power generation (CHP). More information available at
The Association of Entrepreneurs for the Utilization of Energy Resources
The Association of Entrepreneurs for the Utilization of Energy Resources gathers owners and operators of small-scale hydropower plants, it is the longest continuously operating association in the field of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic (since 1990). More information available at
The Czech Technology Platform Smart Grid
The Czech Technology Platform Smart Grid was established as an interest grouping of legal persons in September 2009 at the initiative of domestic companies operating in the energy sector to support innovation of energy systems in the Czech Republic by introducing the Smart Grid concept and actively contributing to its optimal development for the Czech Republic. More information available at
The Solar Association
The Solar Association (Czech Republic) brings together almost 500 members including installation companies, solar investors, power plant owners, industrial park operators, etc., who altogether operate over 1,200 megawatts of installed capacity of solar energy in the Czech Republic. More information available at
University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings
University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) is a research institute of the Czech Technical University in Prague pursuing sustainable development in construction. The Centre’s goal is to leverage the synergy effects of research activities of the individual departments which are related to energy-efficient buildings. The Centre’s highest priorities aim to optimize the energy efficiency of buildings. More information available at
The Union of Employers' Associations of the Czech Republic
The Union of Employers’ Associations of the Czech Republic is one of the largest employers’ associations in the Czech Republic. It brings together and represents 55 employers’ associations with almost 12,000 organizations comprising more than 710,000 employees. More information available at
Institute for Investment and Innovation
The Institute for Investment and Innovation aims to support the development of co-operation and joint partnerships between the private and public sectors and to achieve goals such as disseminating of knowledge on public-private partnerships, creating a platform for developing co-operation between the private and public sectors, enhancing the access of private businesses to economic resources in the Czech Republic, enhancing foreign direct investment in the Czech Republic and supporting the development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic. More information available at
The company REsolar s.r.o. assists in complying with legal obligations for 23 manufacturers and importers of solar panels and more than 2,5 thousand operators of solar power plants. More information available at
The National Center for Energy Savings of the Czech Republic
The National Center for Energy Savings of the Czech Republic is a non-profit organization founded by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic, the Union of Cities and Municipalities of the Czech Republic, and ČEZ, a. s. The organization is financed by its members, revenues from its activities, and in the future also from EU grant funding. The mission of the National Center is to provide comprehensive advisory services on energy savings and thus contribute to meeting the objectives of the Czech Republic in this area while maximizing the positive impacts on the Czech economy, regions, municipalities, companies, and households. More information available at
E-K-O vize, z.s.
Among other activities, the company E-K-O vize, z.s. operates an information portal known as, which focuses on social responsibility and objective informing of consumers about the energy industry. Furthermore, it established the Association of Energy Advisors –, whose main ambition is the professionalization of the market at the level of brokering services and, last but not least, it runs an awareness-raising project –, which focuses on raising awareness of energy consumption in households.
Cooperation opportunities
The Modern Energy Union warmly welcomes the membership of new associations interested in joining.The aim of the partnership and connection of various directions of the modern energy sector is to form a strong voice for innovative solutions and to build opportunities for their development within the Czech economy.
- Full membership will ensure complete participation in activities of the Modern Energy Union,
- Members have the opportunity to participate in commenting on new legislation, action plans and other strategic documents for the development of modern energy in the Czech Republic, including the possibility of applying their own visions and ideas,
- Membership guarantees discounts on seminars and conference fees organized by the Modern Energy Union,
- Participation in the Modern Energy Union working groups,
- Possibility to use networking across the membership base and to participate in debates on internal strategies of the Modern Energy Union,
- Media and marketing consulting from an experienced Modern Energy Union team,
- Possibility of presentation at, one of the most popular news platforms in the field of energetics in the Czech Republic.
The Modern Energy Union welcomes businesses which have an interest in the topic of developing new aspects of energetics to become its partners. We offer our partners exclusive access to news from the field of modern energy in the Czech Republic and abroad, representations at upcoming events and in upcoming information materials. Partners of the Modern Energy Union can participate in the work of the Union and submit proposals or objections in the field of legislation, the Union also provides its partners with professional media consultancy.
For more information contact Tomáš Buzrla, Executive Director, at or Martin Sedlák, Program Director, at
Our Vision
The basic goal of the Modern Energy Union is to ensure good conditions for technological growth that will boost the Czech economy. Our ambitions will be framed by the effort to develop a domestic economy powered by low-carbon energy sources, which includes not only power plants or heating plants, but also energy services or the use of smart grids and digital solutions. Ensuring reliable and affordable energy supplies for the whole spectrum of customers is the key vision. At the same, maintaining the air-quality requirements, the need for energy independence, supply stability and long-term low-price balance are of the same critical importance.
Within the Modern Energy Union, we all share the belief that modern energy can be understood as a broader framework including modern technologies, measures, and procedures that lead to an energy system that is efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. Our approach to technologies preserves the principle of technological neutrality while considering new development and innovations.
We want to use the intersections of renewable energy sources, energy accumulation, smart grid, co-production of electricity and heat, new solutions in the field of digitalization and other energy-efficient solutions in order to design measures that will enable a stable development of new energetics as an integral part of the Czech economy.
Modern Goals
The Modern Energy Union aims to bring European impulses into the Czech debate that will conduce to ensuring a leading position in the development and production of advanced technologies. Our goal is to provide the Czech energy industry and development laboratories with the conditions that will turn the Czech Republic into a beast in the field of innovative solutions for the 21st century.
Our commitment is to ensure that Czech households and businesses can apply new solutions in the area of digitalization, modern energy or transport. We will advocate such legislative changes and rules, which will push the Czech economy to the front of technological development, and especially the practical use of innovative features of the economy.
The State Energy Concept should allow for various scenarios in the technology and economic development that would respond to newly emerging solutions with flexibility. We will initiate a debate on updating our energy politics. We will propose specific objectives for areas of the modern energy industry. The basic framework for further development will be a so-called “technology scenario” containing a progressive option for the development of new elements in the energy sector.
We will use the progressive parts of the expected content of the European Union Winter Energy Package to discuss the future form of the Czech energy sector. We will focus on points such as electricity self-production, energy storage, electromobility or new elements within the energy market (digitalization, aggregators, blockchain).
Modern energetics is a long-term trend representing opportunities not only for businesses, but also for research and development organizations. We will attempt to increase the number of pilot projects based on integrating low-carbon technologies.
The research of new solutions in energetics at universities and research centers can offer much-needed methods to increase higher use of renewable sources and affordable energy storage. At the same time, the research can also integrate elements of modern energetics and as a result bring a user-friendly unification. However, this cannot be accomplished without complexly educated workers. We will therefore support project proposals that will improve the quality of education at primary and secondary levels by focusing on the development of independent thinking, creativity, information collection and analysis, and in particular preparation for lifelong learning.
Our Team of Professionals

Martin Sedlák
The program director
Martin Sedlák has been working on modern energy issues for more than 10 years. Currently, he is a program director of the Modern Energy Union. Since 2012, he has been also the executive director of the Alliance for Energy Self-Sufficiency, an independent organization dealing with modern energy issues. In 2017 he co-founded the information platform, which informs about technological progress in the field of modern energy. Martin Sedlák holds a degree in Power Engineering from the from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Brno University of Technology.

Tomáš Buzrla
The executive director
In the past he acted as a consultant in the construction of photovoltaic power plants in tens of megawatts of installed capacity in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Europe. He also founded and headed the Energy 21, a Czech investment company specializing in construction and operation of solar power plants. He is the former owner of a company that traded carbon dioxide emission allowances; after selling it, he invested in his own solar power plant. Tomáš holds advanced degrees in finance and banking as well as in business and marketing from the School of Business Administration of the Silesian University.

Kamil Čermák
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Kamil Čermák started in the 1990s as an editor and presenter at Czech Television. He also tried his hand as a spokesman and advisor to the then Minister of Industry and Trade Vladimír Dlouhý. He then joined Czech Telecom in the colours of the international consortium Tel-Source, where he worked as a sales director for the B2B area. Later, he also worked as a sales director at CSA. He first joined CEZ in 2005, when he started CEZ business activities in Poland. He then returned to the media sphere to manage the Economia publishing house for 4 years. Since 2016, he has been the Chairman of the Board and CEO of ČEZ ESCO, a company providing complete energy services to businesses in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. He was awarded the Smart City Personality of the Year 2018. He is the President of the Institute of Corporate Directors (CIOD), a lecturer on corporate governance and leadership, and a member of the Post Bellum Memory of the Nation College.

Vladimír Hlavinka
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Vladimír Hlavinka is the CEO of TEDOM a.s. He graduated in energy engineering and law. He started his career as a researcher at the Nuclear Energy Research Institute, then worked for nine years at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant, held the position of Director of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant, and later held the position of Director of the Production Division and member of the Board of Directors of CEZ. Prior to joining TEDOM, he was CEO and Vice President of Uranium One Holding NV (NL) and CEO of U1 Trading (Switzerland). He is the owner of ORGREZ, a.s.

Marek Lang
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Marek Lang is the director of the energy division of JRD GROUP, where he has been involved in the preparation, implementation and operation of renewable energy projects for 15 years. In addition to this position, Marek Lang also serves on the board of Millenium Technologies, a company developing plasma gasification technology for waste, on the board of REsolar, a collective system for recycling solar panels, and is vice-chairman of the Alliance for Energy Self-Reliance, an independent platform systematically addressing modern energy issues. Marek Lang is a graduate of the University of West Bohemia, majoring in Cybernetics and Control Engineering.

Pavel Doucha
Member of the Board of Directors
Pavel Doucha is a partner and one of the founders of Doucha Šikola advokáti s.r.o., which focuses exclusively on clients in the energy sector. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno. In the course of his career, he focused mainly on environmental law and related fields (construction law, administrative proceedings and administrative justice, public health protection, information law) and subsequently on energy law and general legal advice for clients in the energy sector. In 1997 he co-founded and worked for many years in the non-governmental public interest law organisation Ecological Legal Service. He is a recipient of the 2004 Minister of the Environment Award for his contribution to the development of environmental law and briefly served as a member of the Minister of the Environment’s Disputes Committee. Since 2009 he has been working as an attorney in energy law, especially in the field of renewable energy.

Jan Fousek
Member of the Board of Directors
Jan Fousek is the Executive Director of the Association for Energy Accumulation AKU-BAT CZ, which supports the development of accumulation, production and storage of hydrogen, provision of flexibility, construction of infrastructure for electromobility in the Czech Republic and overall modernization of the Czech energy sector and industry. Jan Fousek also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Solar Association and a member of the Board of Directors of the Modern Energy Association. He has been active in the energy markets since 2007. From 2011-2016 he was co-owner and managing director of one of Europe’s largest traders of emission allowances and electricity, Virtuse Energy.

Miroslav Marada
Member of the Board of Directors
Miroslav Marada is the Chairman of the Association of Energy Service Providers. He studied nuclear power plants and equipment at the Moscow Energy Institute. At the beginning of his professional career, he worked in the nuclear power industry, first as a reactor operator at the JE Dukovany and then at the JE Temelín as a shift engineer for the start-up of the general technology supplier ŠKODA PRAHA. He started working on energy-saving projects at MVV Energie s.r.o., where he worked as manager of the energy services division between 2000 and 2005. Since 2005, he has been working in various managerial positions at ENESA a.s., a company that specializes in providing energy services and has implemented dozens of successful EPC projects during its existence. During his time in the energy sector, particularly in the field of energy efficiency, he has worked on a number of international projects and the development of energy services markets in several countries.

Alois Míka
Member of the Board of Directors
Alois Míka works at ČSOB Advisory, a.s. as a Senior Energy Expert. He has extensive experience in the energy sector and has led a number of projects in the nuclear power, electricity, gas and oil processing industries. He has served as CEO of EPIC a.s. He was a member of the statutory bodies of a number of companies (e.g. Jihomoravská plynárenská a.s., Jihočeská plynárenská a.s., Západočeská energetika a.s., Severočeské doly a.s.). Currently, he is mainly engaged in modern energy industry. He advises ČSOB on renewable energy sources, trends and expected development of the energy sector and decarbonisation of the energy sector. He offers the same advice to clients of ČSOB Advisory.